Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Devil Wears Armani Too

Short film I created with Devin Bateson, Justin Peele, Jacqueline Légère, and Mike Demissie (Black Zeus) for the Hamilton 24 Hour Film Fest. We wrote, shot, and edited it within 24 hours.

After sleeping and watching the final film I find it isn't as funny as it was when we were filming. Also turned out quite dark. I would do it again though.

All film makers had to include a scene under a table, a skipping rope, and the line "May the force be with you."

We all collaborated with the writing, editing, and props.
Devin Bateson operated the camera and mic.
Justin Peele acted as the Prideful Man.
Black Zeus acted as the Devil.
Jacqueline Légère acted as the Girl at the Bar.
Paul Scott acted as the Minion/Barry.
Artwork © 2007-2019 Paul Scott